Before the coronavirus pandemic hijacked the global agenda, climate change was at the top of every news bulletin. The Reputation Institute reported that CEO’s saw climate change as a critical issue, and a cornerstone of reputation for companies. The UK was planning to demonstrate global leadership with COP26 in Glasgow in November providing a showcase for its plans for increasingly ambitious target-setting and a road map for achieving net zero carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.  
The spread of Covid-19 has hammered the world economy harder than anything we have experienced since the second World War, and is likely to have a lasting impact on business and society. As governments around the world have demanded the shut-down of businesses and dramatically restricted movement, consumption of oil, gas and power has fallen radically. Energy demand has plummeted, and we are witnessing the biggest oil price crash in 70 years. 
I was privileged to discuss these issues with Tony Langham, CEO of Lansons Reputation Management specialists, and a key influencer named by Debrett’s as one of the 500 most influential people in the UK, as part of their Reputation Management podcast series. The questions we explored include: 
• What are our societies meant to be striving for right now? 
• Will coronavirus slip down the global agenda as we come out of this pandemic? 
• How are the financial risks of climate change being viewed and where is it going next? 
• What is the likelihood that the pressure to reboot economies and rebuild business strength will drive short term decisions that reverse climate change progress so far? 
• Published last week, the Climate Change Committee Letter: ‘Building a resilient recovery from the COVID-19 crisis’ – will this have any impact on policy? 
• What levers can you pull to persuade government and organisations to tackle this seriously? 
• COP26 is now not happening, what is the significance of that and what happens in its place? 
Listen to the podcast here 
JS Global is working with businesses to help them rebuild sustainably in a post-Covid world 
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